Nikos Mattheos
Periodontist, Researcher, Academic, Digital Entrepreneur
Amateur teacher - Professional learner

A few words about myself
My name is Nikos Mattheos and I am a periodontist, researcher and an academic teacher.
I became a dentist in 1996 in the University of Athens. Since then, I completed a Masters in Health Informatics, I became a specialist in Periodontology and also defended my PhD Thesis in the University of Malmö in Sweden and then completed a residency in Periodontology and Fixed Prosthodontics in the University of Bern in Switzerland. I spent 4 amazing years in Australia, where I developed and directed the Implant Dentistry M Clin Dent Program of Griffith University in the Gold Coast. After directing the Implant Dentistry postgraduate clinic and programs in the University of Hong Kong for 8 years, I am currently visiting Professor in the department of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery of Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Honorary Professor at the University of Hong Kong, Associate Professor at the University of Malmö and affiliated researcher at the Department of Dental Medicine of Karolinska Institute in Sweden.
My affair with digital communication started long before the words “social media” became part of everyday vocabulary. I remember in the early 90’s threatening the family peace by blocking the tv for hours with an Amiga 500 Commodore and clogging the family landline with a 14400 bbs modem. Just like in the early 90’s, I continue spending a disgraceful amount of time on almost-meaningless web-surfing, only now without my family complaining.
I developed my first interactive website in 1998. It was a “Virtual Classroom” in Periodontology. Had I been really smart, I would have invented a social connection website instead, but I guess I was too excited about education and dentistry. Back then the words “social” and “media” could never make it to the same sentence. When it all started, we all thought it was just a game. And it was, because I did very much enjoy every minute of it. But apparently it was much more serious than we thought and in time became the kick off of my PhD thesis and the beginning of a great on-going journey.
I love teaching, especially when it leads to learning and I spend much of my time either teaching or learning 🙂
I believe in the Open Access philosophy and I believe that sharing our experience and being critical with each other is the only way to boost creativity and bring innovation. I have been blessed in my life to have had great teachers who have shared their experience very generously with me and that is what has shaped me in what I am. The list of the people I am grateful to is long. But if I was to pick a couple only, I could name Rolf Attström, my mentor and academic father and Niklaus Lang, who adopted me in the magic hotel California of Bern and taught me what a treatment philosophy means.
The purpose of this site is simply this: to share some of my thoughts, ideas and work (at least whatever that is not copyrighted to universities, publishers or institutions of all sorts) with peers and students and hopefully attract some feedback that will help me improve and continue teaching and learning. Material in this site will never promote any product or service and can be used as part of any teaching activity, under the Creative Commons licence.
PS: You can find more about my research here
for a more detailed view of my background, you can ask for my CV.