Dr. Tommy Fung

BDS(Hons.), MDS(Implant Dent), Dental Surgeon, Hong Kong

Dr. Fung obtained his dental degree from the University of Hong Kong (HKU). Under the supervision of Prof. E. F. Corbet, he practiced in Periodontology and Public Health Department in the Prince Philip Dental Hospital as a junior house officer. He subsequently commenced his private practice in 2010. He is the founder of Longitude Dental (HK) and founding partner of Locus Dental (HK). As a general dental practitioner, he formulates comprehensive treatment plan and works closely and collaboratively with Periodontists, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, Orthodontists, Endodontic and Aesthetic Dentistry colleagues to deliver high quality patient care.

He gained experience in implant surgery and implant prosthetic construction since 2011 under the guidance by Dr. Ryan Seto. He later obtained the master degree in implant dentistry from HKU under the supervision of Prof. Nikos Mattheos and Dr. Dominic Ho. With strong focus in digital patient profile analysis and virtual surgical planning, he familiarized himself with various surgical techniques, especially static guided surgery. He is competent in immediate implant placement from single tooth to cross arch reconstruction with immediate loading principles.

He is an active ITI member, and published on the ITI Blog about the utilization of guided surgical technique to facilitated open window sinus surgery: https://blog.iti.org/clinical-insights/lateral-window-during-sinus-floor-elevation/ .