Editorial – CDE Newsletter August 2020
Being myself not a fan of action blockbusters, I was always dismissive to the “Transformers” series, with possibly the only exception being the Age of Extinction (2014) which was filmed in Hong Kong and included scenes of giant robots marching down from the Peak, some spectacular fights in Yik Cheong Building and flying HK red cabbies. I found the idea of human-form robots that transform into super cars, airplanes or trucks quite absurd. Looking back to our lives in the past 6 months, I can only wish we too had a similar ability for transformation!

The amount of disruption we have all experienced in our lives and practice of dentistry is unprecedented in living memory. There is no doubt we have entered a period of transformation, albeit nobody appears to know what our lives are being transformed into. On the other hand, this is the time when learning can make the difference. Learning as a crucial survival skill. Learning lies in the heart of every change, as learning in itself is a major process of transformation, moving from one state of mind to another. Increasing your skillsets and competences is only worth when it makes you able to see more, decide more efficiently and act more effectively.
In the past 6 months, the disruption in conventional education made it painfully obvious to us all that we have to learn “how to learn” in new ways. With major congresses being cancelled one after the other, courses and universities shutting down all over the world, online platforms moved in to fill the void. As always, the start was somewhat rushed and unstructured and an endless series of webinars does not necessarily equal to quality and meaningful education. Even with the virous defeated however, the disruption is here to stay and it might take long till the world slowly gravitates to a new normal.
Resilience is great, Adaptation is better,
but Innovation is the key!
At CDE, we took up the challenge of transformation to a new model, where on-line learning will be strategically employed in structured learning pathways, established global experts will foster local talent and innovative 3D technologies will bring the hands-on experience irrespective of time and place. It will be a marathon rather than sprint, but we have already started and in the coming months you will see many elements of new learning strategies unveiled.
September will start with the premiere of a novel concept, an education cycle organised by Dr. James Chow, world class OMF Surgeon and Digital Dentistry visionary. The cycle will blend online and face-to-face with modules building competencies gradually to a complete hands-on experience through innovative 3D printing technology. Then October and November follow suit with many new topics and speakers as well as the re-launch of many successful courses of the past year, including our unique implant residency, with supervised clinical practice.
As 2020 moves into its final chapter, we take the challenge to transform. Let’s transform together..!
Download the whole August Newsletter here