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Computer Assisted Implant Surgery in Clinical Practice!

Computer Assisted Implant Surgery is increasingly popular, with almost every implant system racing to deliver the most reliable technology and protocols. Either as static or dynamic, CAIS promises unprecedented accuracy in implant placement and evidence now shows that it delivers. But is it just about accuracy? How reliable is this technology and how important is a millimetre after all? Is it worth the cost and trouble? Can this technology transform the way we practice implant dentistry, or will it remain a premium gadget mainly targeting complex cases in ‘up-market’ clinics?
These were some of our genuine questions when we embarked in a long project assessing computer assisted surgical technology in practice. If you share these questions, then the article that follows is for you!

Mechanical disinfection of implants: Tips and Tricks!

Mechanical disinfection remains the cornerstone of the management of Peri-implantitis. But do we best achieve our goals? From simply rinsing with saline and rubbing with a gauze to a whole Er:Yag Lazer, there is a whole spectrum of techniques and devices that seem to achieve comparable results. How do we choose and where do we strike the best balance?
Read below for some clinical “tips and tricks” to help you make the most of each approach! In this article, we discuss plastic, carbon fibre and titanium curettes, ultrasonic and piezoelectric tips, titanium brushes and Labrida brush.

CT-Epithelial hybrid graft and peri-implant soft tissue augmentation

The use of soft tissue augmentation techniques to increase the keratinised with around dental implants has been debated since long. This article disusses the need of soft tissue augmentations, the main determinants for decision making and presents a minimally invasive grafting technique, the Hybrid CT-Epithelial graft.

Bone Level vs tissue level implant

Bone level or Tissue Level..?

Tissue level vs Bone level implants is a discussion that goes back to the very DNA of implant dentistry. The original implant designed by Branemark was a bone level implant, intended to be submerged fully under the bone. Then the Tissue level design was proposed by Schroeder and IT, where the implant included a transmucosal colar. In this article, we investigate the wide spread belief that the use of Tissue Level implants reduces the risk for peri-implantitis. Fact or Myth?

The roof, the roof, the roof is in fire..! (or shall we say…inflamed!)

Peri-implantitis starts at the prosthesis of the dental implant, where the biofilm first accummulates. Understanding the interelation of the prosthesis with the complex system of tissue and bacteria is the key to prevent and mange peri-implant tissue inflammation, in the new paradigm of the The Implant Supracrestal Complex. This is a unifying concept in Implant Dentistry, where human tissue, mechanical components (implant, abutment, prosthesis) and bacteria are studied as one system. This way we can better understand the complex interactions that take place to determine health and disease and we can design more effective interventions to prevent and manage long term complications.

The Implant Supracrestal Complex: a true “Cyborg” tissue!

The Implant Supracrestal Complex is a unifying concept in Implant Dentistry, where human tissue, mechanical components (implant, abutment, prosthesis) and bacteria are studied as one system. This way we can better understand the complex interactions that take place to determine health and disease and we can design more effective interventions to prevent and manage long term complications.